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Whether you’re just starting to think about donor conception or you already have a family built this way, we offer online and in-person workshops to support your decision making.  They are open to members and non-members.

Destination Parenthood‘ – if you’re considering using egg, sperm or embryo donation

Our Destination Parenthood workshops are designed for people at the start of their donor conception journey. It’s ideal for those who are just starting to think about using donor conception to create their family, as well as those who’ve already decided to use this route but would like to understand more about the implications.

This is a full day workshop, and is topped and tailed by a short introductory session on the Friday evening, and a rare opportunity for an online evening social at the end with a donor conceived young person – not to be missed!

A supportive community

The workshop provides an opportunity to meet with others at a similar stage. We know from feedback that having being able to share your journey with your fellow delegates, particularly in the post-workshop WhatsApp group, is a huge benefit. 

Why attend this workshop?

This workshop:

  • Gives an opportunity to talk to a donor-conceived young person about their experiences;

  • Provides a comfortable and confidential space to think about what it means to you to create or add to your family using a donor;

  • Is run by three facilitators who are parents of donor conceived children;

  • Provides the opportunity to talk with others in small and large groups throughout the day;

  • Gives access to an on-going peer support group of your fellow delegates;

  • Equips you with comprehensive handouts about all aspects of donor conception (sent before and after the workshop).

Feedback from previous attendees

“It was such a good balance of getting to speak to others on a difficult journey, listening to the speakers, getting a chance to ask the speakers questions and watching the film clips.”

“I am blown away by the feelings of kindness, support and love – despite it all being conducted online.”

“I felt I was provided with a very authentic view.”

‘Telling & Talking’ – if you have donor conceived children

Our Telling & Talking workshops are designed for people who already have children conceived this way and who want to explore different ways to talk to their young children about their origins.

This is a full day workshop with an intro session on the Friday night to help you feel comfortable and ready for the full day on Saturday.

A space for discussion and peer support

These workshops are run both online and in-person. Regardless of platform, the workshops provide a safe and supportive space to connect with other parents who are in a similar situation and have young donor conceived children too.

Why should you attend?

  • A warm, supportive space, facilitated by parents of donor conceived children

  • Understand how ‘telling’ fits with child development stages

  • Find your family’s unique way to ‘tell’ and continue the conversation

  • Build confidence in sharing your family story

  • Hear from parents about how they have approached things and hear how DC people feel about their origins

  • Meet others in person and make connections.

Feedback from previous attendees

‘It was great to meet others who have undergone what I did to have a child. I feel much better about dealing with questions as they arrive. A great opportunity to network with others who share my concerns, hopes and fears!’

‘Money well spent in relation to looking after my son’s well-being, self-esteem and mental health.’

‘A huge thank you for Saturday’s workshop. It was immensely useful and so good to feel able to talk about things in a safe environment. My husband and I feel more confident now in starting the telling process to our boys … it was brilliant to have time to focus on the issues and actually think things through … so nice to know we are not alone.’

‘Making it Real’ – for professionals in the field of donor conception

Our ‘Making it Real’ workshop is designed for professionals working in the field of donor conception or with families using, or thinking about using, donor conception to build their family. The workshop will deepen your understanding of the ways in which creating a child using egg, sperm or embryos from a third party, including with surrogacy, is different from standard fertility treatments.

We look at how best to help prospective parents consider from the outset the lifetime implications for the child and the family. We also look at how to support families as children grow up and circumstances, as well as interest levels, may change.

Who should attend?

This workshop is aimed at professionals working with donor conception parents and prospective parents – fertility counsellors, psychologists, nurses, embryologists, lawyers, donor coordinators, genetic counsellors, academics and clinicians, amongst others.

Five reasons to attend:

  1. Hear the experiences of parents and donor conceived adults – how do these families fare in the long term?

  2. Consider the place of the donor, the donor’s family and any genetic siblings or half-siblings in donor conception families

  3. Hear how DNA testing is revolutionising the making of genetic connections and the implications of this for families

  4. Listen to DC Network’s unique experiences, covering nearly 30 years, of the long view of life for donor conception families

  5. Feel better supported in your role in the fast-changing world of donor conception

Feedback from previous attendees

“This was honestly the best interactive Zoom event I have been to!”

“I would definitely recommend this to any professionals working in any field that overlaps [with] donor conception.”


If you have questions about any of our workshops or want to have a chat, we’d love to hear from you so please do get in touch.

Contact us