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Find out how the charity is governed, who our trustees are and what our mission and vision are.


Our trustees are elected annually by the membership at the AGM. The trustees elect a chair from amongst themselves.

The trustees are the legally responsible group of individuals with the collective duty to ensure that the Network:

  • Pursues the objectives stated in the constitution and the mission statement
  • Uses its resources (money and people) exclusively to pursue those aims
  • Acts in the interests of those who are intended to benefit.

The role of the trustees is to:

  • Ensure compliance with the relevant laws (charity, employment, health and safety, data protection, child protection, equalities, and tax amongst others)
  • Set the strategic direction of the network
  • Formulate medium and long term plans, including succession plans for key managers
  • Ensure financial stability
  • Assess and manage risks
  • Appoint the management team
  • Hold the management team to account

Our constitution

Our constitution outlines the rules which govern our charity. If you’d like to read them in full, please use the link below.

Download the PDF